The Most Common Medical Cannabis Uses and Their Benefits

3 min read

Cannabis is a plant that comes in two different varieties: Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Sativa. Cannabis and CBD can come from either variety, however hemp can only come from Cannabis Sativa. To be considered hemp, hemp must have less than 0.3 percent THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Clothing, packaging, biofuel, building materials, and paper can all be made from hemp, which is 100 percent biodegradable and environmentally beneficial.

CBD has been linked to the relief of a variety of medical issues, including epilepsy, anxiety, inflammation, sleeplessness, and pain. Despite the fact that “credited” does not imply “proven.” Due to the previous regulatory context, there are few well-conducted trials to back up such claims, however research like Is Delta-8 THC Carts Legal to use? Or if hemp and marijuana are legally differentiated it is likely to go up now. We take a look at some medical illnesses where CBD may be beneficial or has already been demonstrated to be so.


CBD has also been studied for use in various types of treatment-resistant epilepsy, typically in conjunction with standard epileptic drugs. Although the results varied, several studies found that CBD reduced seizure frequency by over 44% in the majority of patients. CBD interacts with other epileptic drugs, and certain serious side effects have been documented, including a reduction in liver function in those who are also taking valproate.


There was a statistically significant improvement in self-reported quality of life measures for those with non-cancer-related pain in an observational study of CBD treatment, but no statistically significant improvement in those with cancer-related pain or neurological symptoms.


Topical application may be helpful in the treatment of arthritis, but there are no high-quality human trials to back this up.

Depression and Anxiety

has a calming effect on the brain’s serotonin levels and serotonin. Serotonin deficiency is hypothesized to play a function in both mood and pain.

Sleep disturbances

It is found to sustain sleep architecture in patients with anxiety or depression, indicating that it is unlikely to have any deleterious impacts on sleep quality.

Several minor studies have looked into utilizing CBD to treat Parkinson’s disease symptoms, with largely positive outcomes. CBD has shown promise in enhancing the quality of life of Parkinson’s disease patients, but more research is needed. More research is needed to see if it can help with muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s illness, substance misuse treatment, and diabetes prevention, to name a few.

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