Does the advantage of tricycles outweigh?

3 min read

Tricycle, as a means of transportation, has been one of the most preferred means. These are eco-friendly, help preserve the environment, reduce air pollution, do not leave any carbon footprint, and are a healthy option and quite an inexpensive mode of transport. There is so much fun and excitement associated with riding a tricycle. Usually tricycle is the first thing that anyone learns to ride and hence there are so many beautiful childhood memories attached to riding a tricycle.

Adult tricycles - A boon to humans

Given the current scenario of ever increasing prices of crude oil and gasoline, petrol etc., people world over are moving onto more ecological modes of transport such as tricycles.

An electric tricycle can ne crudely defined as a traditional tricycle equipped with an electric motor that helps in propulsion, so that the rider can get support and automation on pedaling. There are various models of tricycles available in the market. If you want and if you are good at making things, you can make one of your own, by adapting your traditional one.

There are various advantages of electric tricycle, let’s have a look at some of these advantages:

  • Inexpensive: This is one of the biggest advantages. An electric tricycle’s running is extremely affordable. A gas-powered tricycle costs almost 1500% more than electric tricycle.
  • Easy ride: This is the main benefit of electric tricycle; you can reduce stress and exertion by getting the power support from electrical battery attached to the tricycle. It helps in reducing mental stress that is associated with riding a big vehicle in high traffic zones. And it specifically becomes important while going for an uphill ride.
  • Physical exercise: Nothing can compete with the physical exercise that your body would perform by cycling. Though electrical tricycles can power your pedaling but you can also opt for physical pedaling whenever you want. So you can switch to physical pedaling mode whenever you feel like sweating it out.
  • Safe to use, easy to operate: These tricycles come with pre-fitted safety features so that there is no issue in handling and riding the tricycle. Also the maximum speed is limited so there is no risk associated with high-speed riding like in case of a motor tricycle. These run on batteries so no risk of explosion like in case of gasoline operated tricycles
  • Eco-friendly: This is one of the most important advantages, especially for those who are environment conscious. They do not burn any fuels and hence there are no emissions of carbon or any other harmful gas.
  • Anyone can ride: These electric tricycles can be fun for all ages. From children to elderly, it is a fun for people from all ages and genders and sections.

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