- By Amelia
- July 11, 2020
Easy way!
The game of pokemon go is a very interesting game to say the least. No matter how you describe the way it holds you in its grip has to be experienced. To have such an experience you have to become a part of the millions of players all over the world who vouch by the attractive nature of the pokemon figures that you catch while playing the game. You have to start the game by first of all downloading the application developed especially for the game which is now available in google play store and installing it as per the directions that you carry out with any application. You have to link with the internet and also you have to be equipped with the GPS in your smart phone in order to play the game. For more information on the game just click on the link pokemon go accounts and you will be amazed at the way the game is played and you will never let go of it once you caught it.
How it works?
The pokemon figures can be caught when you use the GPS system in your mobile phone and for that you have to have a perfect working internet connection which does not disconnect just in the middle of the game. When you are out and about in the outdoors you will be able to find the pokemon figures planted there and when you figure out the location, then you need to use the pokemon catcher ball with which you can catch them. There is no set place or a spot where you are guaranteed that you will find one. So, you need to keep going for as long as you will be able o find the desired number of figures. The GPS system comes handy here and it will help you to spot the figures easily.
The value:
The value of each of the pokemon figures that you catch comes with a value and they are graded in a categorical method. There are interesting names of these figures such as the kingler, the starmie, rhydon and hundreds of others. Each of these will have a value if you look closely.
The collection:
As you go on playing the game of pokemon go accounts, you will be able to build a collection and you can have their value also added together and use them for playing games further.