Types of Collocation Service to Choose From

2 min read

A collocation data center facility helps business to rent space for their servers or other computing hardware needs. Generally, a colo offers the building, power, cooling, bandwidth as well as physical safety, whereas customer offers storage and servers. Space in this facility is leased by cabinet, rack, room and cage. Most of the colos have also extended their services to include the managed services, which support the customers’ business goals.

The professional Dallas colocation datacenters provide a huge selection of the configurations that will be modified to the company’s specific requirements, mainly based over how many servers that they’re operating. Some common configurations are:

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  • 1u colo: It is an entry-level collocation option that allows you to place a single server in a same cabinet like other customers, to get colo services at good price. You have an access to the less power & bandwidth compared to higher-level package, your networking will be shared, so you need to make the appointment to have an access to equipment as space will be shared with clients.
  • Full cabinet colo: In this collocation option, you get the full cabinet for installation, with 42u rack space. This comes with higher power availability, and extra power circuits that must be available if required.
  • Quarter cabinet: It is a smallest-sized of locked cabinet that is available at the collocation centers. It offers 10u of space that is used for 10 standard-sized racks or anything you select. It includes the step up in power & bandwidth.
  • Half cabinet: Just like quarter cabinet, the half cabinet is locked, private, and will accommodate over 20u of equipment. The package must come with available power that is required by an extra server.

As noted, it is important you consider how the data center was made. Each location is susceptible to one kind of natural disaster, thus it is important to ensure that the collocation service provider’s center was build in such a way that helps this to survive such kind of disaster. Though not all the collocation service providers are made equal, hence establishing the data center plan that identifies the capable partners, organizations will realize some significant benefits from the data center relocation.

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