2 min read

If you want to expand your selling business and earn an amount every month, then amazon is the best platform you need. Once you decide to register on amazon, the first question that arises is which account to choose, individual or professional seller account? Both accounts are helpful and have their own best part. Here is an article that will guide you with all the details of amazon professionals vs individuals you must know before registering. One of the common differences between the seller plans is your projected sales volume.

Which seller is best:

  1. The individual seller account is best:
  • you can sell only for low cost on amazon
  • You can keep the rates as low at the beginning
  • You can less than 40 products per month
  • You don’t need any additional features.
  1. The professional seller account is best:
  • You can sell more than 40 products per month
  • You can collect sales tax for your items
  • 3rd party apps & tools are available
  • You can win the buy box
  • You can sell products that are in restricted categories.
  • Extensive cost savings.
  • You can use third-party services
  • You can create ads.
  • Eligible for listing features
  • Can manage inventory

Amazon selling products

The disadvantage of individual seller accounts:

  1. The feature in which your products will automatically add to a card by customers is known as the buy box; with this feature, the sales will be high. An individual seller account is not eligible for this feature.
  2. You cannot use third-party services like inventory lab, scrutiny, etc.
  3. Restriction continues for restricted categories.
  4. You need to pay per product rate.
  5. However, you can win by buying a box if you sell your goods in FBA.
  6. No seller tools and reports are available if you have an individual seller account.
  7. You cannot create ads.

In conclusion, from this post, you will be clear about the two types of accounts, amazon professional vs individual. Both plans have their advantages, choose the one that suits you. In short, if you want a low income, you can go for an individual seller account, and if you want to do business by selling products, it is best to opt for a professional seller account on amazon. A professional seller account includes more benefits like buy box, etc., compared to an individual seller account. If you need more clarification, visit the website and gather.

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